A warm welcome to the St Clare's Nursery Webpage. Here you can explore all the wonderful and exciting learning we are doing in nursery and browse our photo galleries to experience some of the activities we have been involved with.
Here is our Long term overview including some of the wonderful things we will be experiencing in nursery this year:
Reception Long Term Overview 2024-25
Speech, Language and Communication Workshop
Thank you to those who were able to join us for the workshop, we hope you found the information and tips useful and informative. We have attached the powerpoint for you information and if you have any further questions, please speak to a member of the EYFS team.
EYFS SALD workshops
Autumn 1: Super Me, Super You
Our topic for Autumn Term 1 is "Super Me, Super You!" We will be learning all about ourselves and the amazing people around us. Please find our half termly overview below to see some of the wonderful learning that will take place:
Nursery overview Autumn 1 2024
Prayer and Liturgy: LOVE
For our first Prayer and Liturgy in Nursery we talked about 'Love'. We listened to the song 'God Loves Me' and each of us placed a heart of the alter to let God know that we love him and that we promise to love one another.
Forest School:
Today we had so much fun in our Forest School. We learnt the rules of forest school first and we were great at following them. We then collected some leaves and sticks in our own box. We then used clay and sticks to make our own hedgehog! Well done everyone!
Phonics: Letters and Sounds
Today we had so much fun using beaters to make different sounds outside for our phonics phase 1. We used our listening ears to copy the sounds Miss Coleman made. Well done everyone!
Autumn 2: My 5 Senses
Our topic for Autumn Term 2 is "My 5 Senses". We will learning all about our senses. Please find our half termly overview below to see some of the wonderful learning that will take place:
My 5 senses
Looking after our teeth!
We had a special visitor from the Oral Health Improvement Team who talked to us about how we can look after our teeth and why it is important. We talked about foods that are good and bad for our teeth and we learnt how to clean our teeth properly. To help look after our teeth, we brush our teeth after lunch every day in school.
Balance bike workshop
Today, we had a visit from Ethan who taught us how to ride a balance bike. To help us stay safe and protect our head we all wore helmets. Ethan talked about different parts of the bike eg) saddle. We listened to Ethan’s instructions and followed them as best as we could. We zig zagged in and out of poles, rod up and down a ramp and rode round a circuit. We even managed to avoid obstacles, including each other! An exciting time was had by all children.
My World and Beyond
This half term our topic is called, "My World and Beyond". We will be learning all about our wonderful world and everything in it including animals, seasons, different weathers etc. Here is our overview showing the amazing things we will be doing this half term:
Nursery Spring 1 overview 2025
This half term we have been learning about the composition of numbers 4. We enjoyed using the frog puppets to show the different number sentences to make 4. We also played a game where we seperated the object cards into cards that show 4 and not 4.
Fizzy Programme
This half term we have started our Fizzy Programme which helps us strengthen our Gross motor skills. We really enjoyed taking part in Miss Coleman's obstacle course where we jumped off a box, hopped along the coloured spots and then walked along a narrow line. We had so much fun!
Fine Motor intervention
This half term we have been really focussing on developing our fine motor skills. To do this we have took part in lots of different exciting activities!
Being Scientists!
This week in Nursery we have been being scientists.
We made predictions about what would happen to the trays of water when we put them in the freezer. Lots of children said, ‘ice’ And some children said, “melt". The next day we looked at the tubs and talked about what had happened. “It’s turned into ice” lots of children said. We then had an experiment to try and melt the ice the fastest. We made predictions about whether the hot water or the cold water would melt it the quickest. We then watched the ice to see what would happen. The verdict was in....... Hot water was the winner! We learnt lots of new language like , freeze, frozen, liquid, solid etc. We had so much fun!!
Church Visit
Today we visited our Church. Father Giles talked about how we are all different and unique but we are all so special because God chose us to be a part of his world.
Bear Hunt
One of our books this half term has been the Bear hunt. We have really enjoyed listening to this story and learning the repeated refrains. Our Nursery children can retell this story independently which is amazing. To help us learn the story we added our own actions to act the story out. We also really enjoyed making marks on large paper to represent each part of the story e.g. lines for the long wavy grass, swirls for the swirling, whirling snowstorm etc.
Spring 2: Colours
This half term our topic is called 'Colours'. Please see our medium term plan to see what exciting things we will be doing!
Nursery Colours MTP
World Book Day 2025:
Today we had so much fun dressing up as a word for World Book Day we had lots of different words e.g. 'speed', 'genius', 'library' and so on.
We read a book called 'Bloom' which talked about the importance of kind words. To support this we created our own 'Compliment flower'.