A warm welcome to the St Clare's Nursery Webpage. Here you can explore all the wonderful and exciting learning we are doing in nursery and browse our photo galleries to experience some of the activities we have been involved with.
Here is our Long term overview including some of the wonderful things we will be experiencing in nursery this year:
Nursery Long term Overview 2023-2024
Speech, Language and Communication Workshop
Thank you to those who were able to join us for the workshop, we hope you found the information and tips useful and informative. We have attached the powerpoint for you information and if you have any further questions, please speak to a member of the EYFS team.
Nursery SALD workshop
EYFS SALD workshops
Autumn 1: Super Me, Super You
Our topic for Autumn Term 1 is "Super Me, Super You!" We will be learning all about ourselves and the amazing people around us. Please find our half termly overview below to see some of the wonderful learning that will take place: