A warm welcome to the St Clare's Nursery Webpage. Here you can explore all the wonderful and exciting learning we are doing in nursery and browse our photo galleries to experience some of the activities we have been involved with.


Here is our Long term overview including some of the wonderful things we will be experiencing in nursery this year:

Nursery Long term Overview 2023-2024


Summer 2: On the Move

Our topic for Summer 2 is: 'On the Move'. We will be learning all about different modes of transport. Please see below our Medium Term Plan and Topic Overview to see the wonderful learning that will take place:

Nursery Summer 2 Overview

Nursery Summer 2 MTP

Summer 1: All Creatures big and small

Our topic for Summer 1 is: 'All Creatures big and small'. We will be learning all about the wonderful creatures that we have or have had within our wonderful world. Please see below our Medium Term Plan and Topic Overview to see the amazing learning that will take place:

Nursery Summer overview 2024

Nursery Medium Term Plan Summer 1 2024

Nursery Medium Term Plan Summer 1 2024

Speech, Language and Communication Workshop


Thank you to those who were able to join us for the workshop, we hope you found the information and tips useful and informative.  We have attached the powerpoint for you information and if you have any further questions, please speak to a member of the EYFS team.


Nursery SALD workshop

EYFS SALD workshops

Spring 2: Colour

Our topic for Spring Term 2 is "Colour". We will be learning about different colours and looking at colours closely in our environment. Please fine our half termly overviews below to see some of the wonderful learning that will take place: 

Nursery Spring 2 overview

Lenten Creation Walk

Today we had a wonderful walk around our school to thank God for our beautiful world he has given us. Thank you to our amazing parents for joining us!

World Book Day 2024

For World Book Day this year we dressed up as a word. We had lots of fun in Nursery!! Please see our amazing outfits below:

Spring 1: My World and Beyond

Our topic for Spring Term 1 is "My World and Beyond". We will be learning about the wonderful things around us. Please find our half termly overview below to see some of the amazing learning that will take place:

Nursery Spring 1 Overview 2024

Chinese New Year

This week as part of our Understanding the world curriculum we have been learning about Chinese New year. We had lots of fun tasting different Chinese food e.g. noodles, soya sauce, prawn crackers, sweet chili sauce and rice:

Children's Mental Health Week: 

For children's Mental Health week we wore clothes that make us happy. We then did different things that make us happy, e.g. play a game, colouring, reading, dancing etc. 

Math's Stay and Play Session:

Today we had a stay and play session with our special family members. We showcased out math's skills around the number 4. We separated object cards into 4 and not 4. We then made a ladybird using 4 spots. 

Science Week

This week we have been experimenting with ice. We made predictions about what would happen when we put a tub of water in the freezer. We then used different methods to melt the ice and see which one worked the fastest. 

Maths: Number 3 

This week we have been learning about the number 3. We worked together in pairs to separate the object cards in to 3 and not 3:


Autumn 2: My 5 Senses

Our topic for Autumn Term 2 is "My 5 Senses". We will learning all about our senses. Please find our half termly overview below to see some of the wonderful learning that will take place: 

Autumn 2 overview


Prayer and Liturgy: LOVE 07.11.2023

In today’s Prayer and Liturgy we focused on Love! We listened to the following scripture: 

“Jesus said, “I’m going to give you a new rule. It’s this: Love one another. I love each one of you, and I want you to love each other. When you’re all happy together, everyone will know that you love one another, and that you are my friends.”

God’s Story 2

We discussed how we can show love and we made a class promise to always show love to one another. We then found our picture and placed it on the alter to show that we love Jesus too! 

Dough Disco Stay and Play Session: 08.11.2023

Today we had a Stay and Play session with our family members. We showcased how we do our dough disco to strengthen our fine motor skills and our family members joined in too!! We then used flour and water to make our own dough. Thank you to all of the family members that joined us for our stay and play!! 


Maths: Exploring number one 09.11.2023

This week we have been learning about the number 1. In pairs we separated the cards into 1 and not 1. We worked really well in pairs and helped our friends when they were struggling. 


RE: Baptism 09.11.2023

This week we have been learning about Baptism. Today we talked about Baptism and being welcomed into Gods family. We learnt about what happens during a Baptism, the font and holy water, people who attend etc. Then, we all had a turn at putting Holy water on the head of our doll Rosie. We all said “I Baptise you” as we did the sign of the cross on her head. During free play/choosing time the children can role play a Baptism, if they wish to.

Remembrance Day

Today we learned about Remembrance day and the reasons to why we celebrate it. We talked about why we wear poppies and then we made our own poppy wreath. 

Autumn 1: Super Me, Super You

Our topic for Autumn Term 1 is "Super Me, Super You!"  We will be learning all about ourselves and the amazing people around us. Please find our half termly overview below to see some of the wonderful learning that will take place: 

Nursery Autumn 1 Overview 2023


Our First Week in Nursery

We have had lots of fun in our first week of Nursery! Here are some pictures to see what we have been up to: 

Brush Bus

Everyday after dinner we brush our teeth in Nursery. We talk about why we brush our teeth and what helps to keep them healthy!


Prayer and Liturgy

For our first Prayer and Liturgy in Nursery we talked about 'Love'. We listened to the song 'God Loves Me' and each of us placed a heart of the alter to let God know that we love him and that we promise to love one another. 

Supertato to the rescue!!

02.10.2023- This week we have been reading the story, 'Supertato'. When we came into school we found a box filled with lots of vegetable friends. We made lots of predictions about what might happen in our story and we were super excited to read the book. We have also had lots of fun making our very own Supertato! 

Here is our Long term overview including some of the wonderful things we will be experiencing in nursery this year:

Nursery Long term Overview 2023-2024