Our Faith


Our shared Catholic faith is very important to us here at St. Clare’s, and the whole school journeys alongside those children in our community who are making their First Holy Communion this year.


Throughout the year, those children enrolled on the Sacramental Programme will learn more about the structure of the Mass, the prayers said, and the actions we take. They will become familiar with key Scripture and begin to understand the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. As they move closer to receiving the Body of Christ, the children will reflect upon the Easter Story and think about the symbolism of receiving the bread each week in Mass.


The children will also receive the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in March. Before this, they will visit the Marist Centre in Chorlton for a day of reflection, to think about forgiveness in light of Jesus’ teachings. They will come to understand how important being sorry for their mistakes is, and how Jesus will always lovingly forgive them. They will be asked to think about how they can apply Jesus’ teachings to their own lives and in their behaviour towards others.


Throughout the year, Fr. Jeremiah, from the Franciscan Friary at St. Clare’s church, will teach the children involved in the Sacramental program about their faith, deepening their understanding, and strengthening their spiritual connection with God. He is aided by a team of catechists from our parish. Dates of meetings and masses are scheduled at the beginning of the school year by Father Jeremiah and shared with parents.

Registration for this year's Sacramental Programme is Thursday 28th September at 6pm.


The rest of the children, staff and parents in our school community journey with those enrolled in the Sacramental Program, praying for the children and their families, that they might find an everlasting comfort and joy in our Catholic faith.