Welcome To Year 6's Class Page!!


Hello, and welcome to Year 6's Page. Over the course of the year, you will find information here about what the pupils are learning in class, examples of their excellent work, and photos of them exploring and having fun learning new things.

The pupils are settling in well so far to Year 6 - they know what an important year it is for them. The pupils are really enjoying hymn practice every Wednesday morning! Our topics in Autumn 1 are Light (Science) and Our Local Area (Geography). A lot of the writing that we will do links to Light - in particular our class text, 'The Light Jar' by Lisa Thompson.

Happy New Year! 

As we enter a new half term, we focus on many new areas of learning. We are immersing ourselves into the lives of a WW2 evacuee in our history and English work, we are discovering how to solve algebraic equations in Maths, we are building series and parallel circuits in science and we are exploring scriptures and sources of the Bible in our Religion lessons. Please see our overview for a full detailed explanation of our current focus' this half term. 

year 6 spring 1 overview NEW

Please keep checking back for more information and photos!

Please find the information from our info session on Wednesday evening:

Welcome to 6S ppt

If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact Mrs Salza or Mr Keogh. 

Spring Two Overview 

spring 2 overview year 6

Summer 2 Overview 

Year 6 summer overview

PE Days Summer two term:

6K  - Tuesday and Wednesday

6S -  Tuesday and Friday 

Check out our videos on the four operations:





Year 6 Spellings Overview

Year 6 Spellings overview

Science in 6S

This half term, we are learning about light and exploring how it travels, how shadows are formed, how rainbows are made and we will be exploring Isaac Newton's colour wheel theory. Have a look at our first science lesson where we investigated how light only travels in straight lines. 


This half term, we are learning about the heart and it's role in the circulatory system. This week, we investigated the role of the arteries and questioned whether the width of an artery affects how well blood can transport through it. We really enjoyed our hands on investigative lesson. We followed this lesson up with a computing/science lesson where we created our own flow charts on purple mash, this represented how the blood travels through a human body, we focused on key words such as pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, organs and capillaries. 

Design and Technolgy

This half term, we have designed, made and evaluated our own paper mache light bulbs with a working circuit. Look at our fantastic designs..

Autumn Two Term. 

This half term we are focusing on fractions in our maths learning, poetry, formal letters and biographies in English, Animals including humans: the circulatory system in Science, gymnastics in PE, online safety in Computing, the UK including coordinates in Geography, and Baptism and a multi faith week of Islam in Religious education. We have so many fun lessons coming up including a hands on heart dissection session taking place at the end of the half term. 

Prayer and Liturgy

As we approached Remembrance Day, it was important for us to reflect upon the sacrifices that were made for our lives by both the soldiers and Jesus himself. We held a class prayer and liturgy lesson based on the theme of Remembrance and focused on the importance of sacrifice. 


Crucial Crew November 2023

Year 6 have been extremely lucky to participate in an afternoon workshop held by the Crucial Crew team at the Army Reserve in Belle Vue. They learned key skills such as the recovery position, how to stay safe on the Metrolink, how to respect the electricity around us such as power station and power cables that may be around us, and how to report any danger we feel that we may be in such as violence, theft or threat. they had a fantastic afternoon, and thank the police serve for this opportunity. 

Y6 Algebra - Spring One 

This week, we are introducing the topic of Algebra to the year 6 children, we have started with 1 step function machines using concrete, abstract and pictorial aids to support our learning. 

Prayer and Liturgy 6S

Today, we opened up our thoughts and prayers to God and listened to the word of God which discussed the idea of how we convey our words to one another. 

"And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice, came out of him. 27 And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” Mark 1:26-27.

We based our altar focus on the kind and positive words we hear daily, shared our thoughts and ideas on how we can use the teaching of the scripture to shape our daily situations. Just as Jesus's voice and teachings have authority, so do the words we choose to use towards each other. We should use positive words that leave us, and our friends, feeling happy and loved. We joined in with a stand up, hand up, pair up activity where we gave complements to our class friends. Moving forward, we will challenge ourselves to use kind and positive words wherever we can. 

Calculating Algebraic Formulae 

This half term, our focus has been on rataio and the introduction of Algebra. Today, the children worked in kagan groups to calculate algebraic formulae within a game of dominoes/loop cards to secure our understand of how to calculate formulae. We had so much fun! 


Electrocity Workshop

To tie in with our current learning of electricity, the year 6 children participated in a wonderful workshop led by the Creative Builders workshop. The workshop allowed the children to create their own lego city, and then add series circuits to enable the houses and streets to have lights! They also used a series circuit to power a motor which moved a train along the tracks and around the city! They had such a fantastic day. 

WW2 Day 

This half term, the year 6 children have been learning all about life during WW2, and how Manchester was affected by the Blitz bombings. To end the topic, the children participated in a WW2 themed day with various activities such as baking using rationed goods, artwork, deciphering morse code, making a morse code oscillator and creating propaganda posters. They had such an amazing day! They also came to school dressed in the theme of the world war, we had lots of soldiers and evacuees. They looked incredible!! Well done year 6. 


6S Stained Glass Windows

Our current topic in RE is Eucharist - Unity. This week we have explored the scripture taken from Romans 12: 4-5 which says;

Each one of us has a body with many parts, and these parts all have different uses. In the same way, we are many, but in Christ we are all one body. Each one is a part of that body, and each part belongs to all the other parts.

To show our understanding of this important message, we created stained glass windows which represent what the word unity means to us, and how we can all come together in the love of God. 


6S Holiday Brochures

This half term, our focus in writing has been to create a holiday brochure. To make cross curricular links, we have started to create a holiday brochure based on south America as this is our focus for Geography. To engage us even further, we have used existing holiday brochures to gather inspirational sentence types and descriptions of hotels, beaches, entertainment and cuisine, to use in our own work. We can't wait for you to see our final pieces!

6S Yoga

After a busy week filled with assessments and revision ahead of the upcoming Sat's, we decided to have a well deserved yoga lesson for this week's PE. The children loved engaging with the lesson and said that it helped them to feel relaxed and refreshed. Well done 6S.


To end our half term, we had a one week focus on narrative poetry. The poem we analysed was Lewis Carrol's Jabberwocky. We explore the use of nonsense vocabulary, and the effect their use had on the reader. To fully understand and interpret the poem, 6S worked in small teams to freeze frame each stanza in our drama lesson in English. They were absolutely brillig!

Creation Walk 

As we approach the celebrations of Easter, 6S invited parents in to join in with their creation walk. The walk took us through many different areas of our fantastic school such as: the forest school area, playgrounds and the brand new KS2 prayer garden. In each station we prayed for a different reason, and reflected on the wonderful thin we have thanks to God. We thank everybody who came to join us on our special walk. 


6S were thrilled with the 'eggcellent' news of the hatching of chicks in Reception! Look how fluffy they are!

Birthday Cards 

This month, a local resident is turning 100!! To celebrate, the year 6 children each created a birthday card for him. We hope he has a happy birthday, and enjoys reading each and every card made for him. Happy Birthday John. 


End of SAT’s Celebration 

To mark the end of the SAT’s, the year 6 children were treated to a lovely afternoon of food, games and outdoor fun. Beforehand, we told them that (unfortunately) they had to get every practice paper out of the cupboard and correct any errors, we were in fact fibbing! We then told them that we were having a ‘snow party’ where we destroyed all practice papers, the children were absolutely thrilled! Their faces show their true happiness! We then began our celebrations, and what fun they had. We are immensely proud of all of the year 6 children, they have worked incredibly hard all year. Well done year 6. 



Marist Centre Visit 

This half term, both year six classes have had the opportunity to visit the Marist Centre to focus on prayer and worship around the theme of moving on. This lovely day consisted of drama, role play, poetry, singing and praying. The children reflected on their time at St Clare’s, discussed their favourite memories and then thought carefully about their next journey and what they need to do to prepare themselves for high school. 

Young Enterprise 

Year six have been busy planning and creating their stalls ready for their Young Enterprise, the day went amazingly well and a staggering amount of money was raised….£609!! The money will be used towards their end of year celebrations to mark the end of their journey here at primary school. Well done year 6!!


End of Year 6

Year 6 Do You Remember - end of year photos


You may find the following websites useful:

Purple Mash - www.purplemash.com/stclaresm9 

Times Tables - https://ttrockstars.com/

Accelerated reading


BBC learning - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize

Oak National Academy - https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-2

Science Fun at Home - https://pstt.org.uk/resources/curriculum-materials/Science-Fun-at-Home

Maths games - Topmarks Education: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help

E-books - Oxford Owl for School and Home (each class has their own log in details)