Maths at St Clare's
At St Clare's we are committed to delivering an engaging, inclusive and meaningful maths curriculum to all of our pupils.
Maths Whole School Overview
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
We ensure that all our pupils are engaged in maths lessons and adapt our teaching and learning using a graduated response to help ensure inclusivity.
Maths Graduated Response Pyramid
Check out our page for regular updates of what our pupils are learning in maths lessons this year!
Parent Workshops
In the Spring term we held parent workshops to help parents understand how we teach maths using the mastery approach and to help them support their children with maths at home. We explored place value and the methods for the four operations focusing on the progression from concrete to pictorial and abstract. For anyone who could not attend please look over the powerpoints for more information. Thank you for taking the time to find out more about your child's learning journey!
Parent Maths Workshop KS2
Parent Maths Workshop KS1
Nursery Stay and Play
Our wonderful staff in EYFS organised a Maths Stay and Play where parents were invited in to enjoy some continuous provision activities with their children and learn more about how they can support their children with maths at home.
Making Maths Meaningful
In year 5, we have been using long multiplication to multiply by 2 digit numbers. After lots of practice, we used the film "Up" to put our learning into context. First we investigated how far the house could travel over different lengths of time. Then we used an atlas and a scale to find out which cities it could have traveled to in the UK.
England Rocks!
In November, we took part in a nationwide Times Table Rockstars competition called England Rocks. The competition ran over three days and each pupil had 60 minutes per day to answer as many times tables questions as possible. We were so impressed with everyone's efforts and even our youngest competitors in year 2 did a fantastic job! As a school, we came 365 out of 4,630 schools and our winning class was 4H who placed 149th out of 30,008 classes from all over the country. Well done St Clare's!
England Rocks
Maths Day - Times Tables Trattoria!
In Autumn 2, we were lucky enough to be visited by Trevi from As Creatives who needed our help to keep his beloved Italian restaurant open. We needed to use our times tables knowledge to solve real life problems to save costs on food items in his restaurant to help Trevi stay afloat! We all met Trevi in our morning assembly, took part in an active maths workshop, worked hard in class to solve his challenges and then met again at the end of the day to give him our cost saving results. Thankfully, we managed to save enough to keep his trattoria open!
Autumn Term Maths
Year 1
Year 1 Autumn Maths
Year 2
Year 2 Maths
Year 3
Year 3 maths
Year 4
Year 4 Maths
Year 5
Year 5 Autumn Maths
Year 6
Year 6 Autumn Maths
Making maths fun!
Year 4 Multiplication Check
Information about the year 4 multiplication check was shared with parents at a meeting in February. All details from the meeting are on the powerpoint.
MTC 2023
Rockstars Day
We had a school wide Rockstars Day where children got to dress up as their favourite icons and take part in a variety of fun times tables activities.
Maths Fun Day
All of the children of St Clare's enjoyed a fun maths day! We had Major Tom come and visit us from the British Space Agency who gave the school a task of finding the next astronaut. Each year group got given specific problem solving activities using their maths skills to work out who would be the best candidate for the role!
Throughout the day classes were doing maths activities in a fun and practical way! Check out our pictures from the day:
Supporting your child at home
Useful Websites:
Please use these links to check out the websites that the children should be and can be using to help them with their maths work, especially whilst at home (stayed tuned, there are always new ones being added):
- Timestables rockstars, this will help your children practice their timestables. They have a compulsory, government test in year 4, to see how many they know (it should be all of them by this point), so plenty of practice on here will help. If your child is unsure of their log in, please ask their class teacher:
- White Rose Maths , this website provide some resources for parents to access at home. Each class is following the White Rose Scheme of Work so you will be able to track where your child will be up to with their learning and in the Parent's Section the website provides a video series called Maths with Michael to help explain some of the methods we use in school. There are also free parent workbooks available to download for a variety of topics if you wanted to do some extra practice at home.
- The Pupil section of White Rose Maths includes some home learning videos for almost every lesson that your child could use to help them with their homework or just for some extra practice at home. There is also an app available to download from White Rose Maths called 1 minute maths which is excellent at improving children's mental maths.