Whole School Long term overview 2024-2025
Geography LTP overview 23-24
Whole School Skills Progression 2024-2025
Geography Skills Progression 2023-2024
Whole School Fieldwork map 2024-2025
Fieldwork map
Things to do- Spring 2
Geography- things to do S2
Take a look below at some of the work we have been completing in our Geography topics!
Geography work
World Cup Geography Day 2022
As a school, we came together to complete some high quality map work related to the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Each year group chose a country taking part in the World Cup to focus on and completed mapwork relating to that country. Children came into school in the colours of their year group's flag. Take a look at some of the amazing learning we have done!
Earth Day 2021
Earth Day is an international event celebrated around the world to pledge support for environmental protection. The year 2021 marked the 51st anniversary of the annual celebrations. This year's theme for Earth Day was 'Restore Our Earth'.
Here at St Clare’s, we celebrated by taking part in lots of fun activities all across the school. We used Earth day to inspire our Literacy work in many ways. In Year 1, the children observed and wrote a descriptive piece of writing about our local area. In Year 2, the children wrote wonderful Earth Day poems all about our amazing planet. Our Year 4 children wrote diary entries to explain how they felt about our planet and impact climate change is having on it. Lastly, in Year 6, the children wrote to their local supermarket to encourage the reduction of single use plastic bags.
As the day continued, each class scattered wild flower seeds around the school grounds in the hope to increase biodiversity for creatures and insects. We discussed food waste and the impact of greenhouse gases caused by the production of meat. To help combat this, we had a vegetarian lunch.
The children were also encouraged to bring a recyclable container into school, which they upcycled into planters. They then planted the seeds from a tomato to grow their very own tomato plant for the future.
The children made commitments to how they would help to restore our Earth going forward:
“I commit to wasting less water.” - Elsie.
“I commit to recycling more,” – Malik.
“I commit to turn off the lights when I leave the room.” – Emilie.
Here are some of the children’s favourite parts of the day:
"I enjoyed decorating my bottle to then plant seeds in it!" (Chloe C)
"Carefully squeezing the seeds out of the tomatoes" - Emily.
"I loved planting the tomato seeds, I can't wait to watch them grow!" (Sam S)
"I loved counting how many seeds I had, so I can't wait to see if that many tomatoes grow!" (Dylan M)
"I found it really interesting creating a tally chart of the different ways pupils get to school... it really made me think about how we can reduce our carbon footprint!"
(Isabelle J).
Frankie/ Kaiden/Denis: "The diary because I love writing diaries!"
Dacee- "The reading comprehension as I hadn't heard of Greta Thunberg before"
Freya and Ruby- " Painting pots and planting tomatoes, I can't wait to see how they grow!"
Maisie- "The reading comprehension, as although I knew about Greta already, I learnt lots more about her life"
Lucas- "I enjoyed getting the seeds out of the tomatoes - I was surprised by how many there were!"
Dylan - "I liked decorating my plant holder. My plant holder used to be a plastic juice bottle. It has been fun learning how we can reuse, reduce and recycle our waste."
Zach - "I was fascinated by the inside of the tomato! I didn't realise there would be that many seeds!"
Chloe- "Learning all about how to look after our plants and watching the soil and water work together to help the seeds grow."
Olivia- "I can't wait to see how they grow!"
Amelie- " I loved decorating and coming up with the designs for my plant pot (which used to be a tin of beans!)".
Braiden - "I enjoyed coming up with names for my plant. Come on Detective Blue - Grow, grow, grow!"
Alfie - "I enjoyed eating the tomatoes!"
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