St Clare's RC Primary School

Hello and welcome to the Year 5 class page! 


We would like to welcome you and your child to a new year at St Clare’s. We are very much looking forward to the year ahead! On this page, you will find information about what the children will be learning throughout and the year and photographs of their amazing work. 

Below is a list of general information on the weekly routines for each class. 


Spellings will be handed out on a Monday with the test being on Friday.

Homework will be handed out on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday.

The daily reading expectation for year 5 is 30mins a night and reading records should be signed and brought into school every day.

5W - P.E - Monday outdoor, Tuesday indoor

5G - P.E - Tuesday outdoor, indoor TBC 


5W welcome presentation

5G Meet the Teacher Presentation


If you have any questions, please get in contact. 


Mr Willis


Miss Gibson



Y5 Summer 1 Overview

Y5 Spring 2 Overview 2024

Y5 Spring 1 Overview

Y5 Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview

Y5 Autumn 1 Overview



The word-lists for years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6 are statutory. The lists are a mixture of words pupils frequently use in their writing and those which they often misspell.

Y3/4 Statutory Spelling List

Y5/6 Statutory Spelling List


Every week on Monday children will also be given spellings to learn. These words may follow a particular spelling rule or may be taken from the statutory spelling list. There is a spelling test on Friday and after the test children will be expected to continue to apply these spellings to their writing. 

Y5 Spelling Overview

Summer 2

Year 5 Debdale visit

On the 12th and 13th of June year 5 went on a school trip to Debdale park. During this visit the children had the opportunity to work together to raft/canoe across the lake, they even had the chance to jump into the lake at that the end of the day if the wanted. It was a fantastic day out and all the children enjoyed it, which hopefully you can see from the photos and videos below!


Summer 1 

In the first week of this term we were invited for a transition day at OLHS. The children had fun taking part in a computing workshop about coding and also had a fantastic drama workshop where they were immersed in learning about the rainforest - a perfect introduction for our geography topic this term. 


Spring 2 


In maths this term we have been learning about equivalent decimals, fractions and percentages and used our knowledge to solve problems. We also learnt how to find the area and perimeter of rectangles, polygons and compound shapes. 



We have really enjoyed learning about the Ancient Kingdom of Benin. We started by exploring the timeline of Benin and thought about what was happening in Britain at the same time. We then learnt about the leaders (Obas), social hierarchy, trade and what daily life might have been like for the people who lived there. 



This term we had the season of Lent and we learnt all about the meaning of Easter and the sacrifices Jesus made leading up to Good Friday. We thought about how our beliefs affect our own lives and why Christians like to make small sacrifices for the good of others. 


Holiday Writing 

Well done to all the children who spent some time in the holidays writing! We really enjoyed reading your stories and it was very hard to choose a winner!


Spring 1

OLHS Performance of Matilda 

We were so lucky to be invited back to Our Lady's High School where we had the pleasure of watching their performance of Matilda. The students were so talented and it definitely sparked an interest in the performing arts. We even learnt the dance to "Revolting Children" in one of our P.E lessons. 

Y5 OLHS Trip for Matilda



Last week the children had the opportunity to complete our d.t topic on bolognese sauce. Both classes visited OLHS, where the children were able to use the cooking classrooms. The children followed a set of instructions asking them to cut onions, crush garlic, grate carrots and cook minced beef. From the feedback after the children tasted their cooking it would seem we have some very talented chefs in year 5 this year!

Y5 Cooking OLHS



Our topic this term is forces. We have been learning about air resistance and children investigated whether the size or shape of a parachute had an effect on the speed of descent. We had fun designing and making our parachutes and to ensure it was a fair test we dropped each parachute three times, timed how long it took to fall and used calculators to work out an average speed. We found out that the largest parachute took the longest time to fall because it had a larger surface area and therefore more air resistance slowing it down. We also found out that a rectangle was the most effective shape for a parachute. 


Autumn 2



We have had so many fun festivities this week! The children had a wonderful time at the pantomime, performed in our Carol Service, had a Christmas party afternoon, made Christmas cards and digital calendars and reflected on the true meaning of Christmas by visiting Mrs Howe's Advent Stations which were beautifully led by the Mini Clare's. 



In P.E. we have been lucky to have coaches from Dream Big teaching us gymnastics. We have learnt about points and patches and using these when we think of different ways to travel. We can safely set up our own equipment and we have demonstrated great teamwork throughout our lessons. 



In science this term we have been focusing on changes of materials and learning about the difference between reversible and irreversible changes. We did lots of investigations to explore rusting, chemical reactions and solubility and we have worked hard to present our experiments and results like true scientists in our books. 



This term we have had two multi-faith weeks where we learned about symbols in Judaism and celebrations in Islam - this is important to help us unite as a community by being understanding and tolerant of others. We also learned about the commitment of marriage and what qualities are needed to support one another. Finally we learnt about the true meaning of Advent - waiting in hope for Jesus Christ the light of our world. 



Autumn 1 



In maths this term we have been learning about place value, addition and subtraction and properties of number including factors, multiples, prime, cubed and square numbers. 

Year 5 Autumn Maths



In October we had a very special visit from the Curiosity Cube where classes in KS2 had the opportunity to learn about bacteria in the classroom, contamination and PH levels. We had a great time and we now have lots of budding scientists in our class! 



In RE we have been writing litanies to thank God for all of our wonderful gifts and talents. We also made some rosary beads due to October being the month of the Holy Rosary and we have been using them to help us to pray in class. 



Check out our videos on the four operations:






Useful websites:

You may find the following websites useful:

Times Tables -

Accelerated reading quizzes -

BBC learning -

Oak National Academy -

Science Fun at Home -