Our Mission Statement:

'Guided by Jesus Christ, our teacher, we journey together, learning to dream, believe and achieve'

Our school is named after St Clare: she is the patron saint of our school. She was a follower of St Francis of Assisi. To find out all about St Clare and her life, please click on her image below:






We also have four house saints - St Francis, St Josephine, St Patrick and St Therese.  All of our pupils belong to one of our saints' houses and earn tokens each week for a variety of reasons including friendship, kindness, good manners, resilience and good work. The tokens are used to determine which house will receive the half-termly treat. To find out more about our house saints, please click on their images below.



          St Francis of Assisi                     St Josephine Bakhita                                     St Patrick                                St Therese of Lisieux



Please read the attached document to find out how we are different to  non-denominational schools and why St Clare's school is so special - apart from having the most amazing pupils and dedicated staff!



Image result for biblical quote about praying to god

Our school chapel is open for private prayers every Tuesday morning before school.

It gives everyone the opportunity to have a quiet moment with God before the busyness of the day kicks in.

Staff, pupils and parents are very welcome to come and start your day with God at the centre of it.


This week, our two Year 3 classes welcomed Sister Anne and Ann to lead them on a Reconciliation Retreat. Throughout the day, the children reflected on the times when they have hurt somebody and the times when they need to say sorry to others for their actions. They all made a promise to God to continue on their Reconciliation journey.  They role played various scenarios involving the need to say sorry and forgive others. The children also created their own Celebration of the Word service which they then led beautifully




Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee


Pope Francis has declared that the year 2025 will be a Holy Year of Jubilee for the Catholic Church – an event that takes place once every 25 years.

The theme for the 2025 Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope”, an invitation to showcase the hope of our Christian faith to people right across the world at a time when there is so much suffering from the impact of war, poverty, climate change, and the lasting effects of the COVID pandemic.

The Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee presents each one of us with an opportunity to reignite the flame of our faith in our own hearts and to share the light of that faith with those in darkness.

The Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee year was presented to our pupils at a launch assembly on 24th January.

On 10th February, we welcomed one of the diocesan anchors into school for three days. The arrival of the anchor from St Anne's was marked with a special Celebration of the Word with all our children.



The season of Advent is a season of waiting. A season where we prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ who came from heaven to earth to show us the way to live and to eternal life with God in heaven.  Our school is full of the signs of Advent and Christmas - Advent wreathes, Christmas trees, cribs and Jesse trees. We have held weekly assemblies focused on Advent led by staff and pupils. We have held a host of Christmas services / performances to which families were invited. Every class has led some kind of concert ranging from Christmas carols, to full nativity plays to our service in church. It is the most wonderful time of the year in school as the children are so excited and full of enthusiasm. We have to remind ourselves that the best present we can give or receive is the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives. Let us use the season to spread the love and joy of Christ with everyone.

In addition to this, we have been visited by reindeers, held pantomimes, had a Christmas party, the music showcase and shared a Christmas dinner. We have also managed to collect food for Caritas and held a raffle in aid of CAFOD.



CARITAS food donations December 2024

On Friday 13th December, we held an own clothes day in order to support  CARITAS at the Lally Centre, Collyhurst. As always, everyone was extremely generous and we were able to deliver the centre with much needed supplies. Thank you St Clare's for sharing the Chritmas spirit with others.


This week we were delighted to receive a huge selcetion of gifts to be shared with our families from Misiion Christmas. The gifts were very kindly delivered by Greater Manchester Fire Service. The children were delighted to see the fire engines and took the opportunity to have a Christmas sing-a-long with the firemen.


Harvest Service- 22nd October 2024

Today the children of St Clare's led a whole school service to celebrate the Harvest. The children reminded us about Harvest being an opportunity to thank God for the crops and the fruit of the ground, upon which, despite all our clever technological advances, we are still dependent. It is a big thank you for the food we can eat and for its variety. Years 6 led the service with readings, Year 5 enacted a Harvest prayer, Year 4 and Year 3 read some prayers, Year 2 performed a poem and Year 1 sang a song. The children donated food for a local food bank and we presented the food onto the altar during the service.


St Francis and St Clare of Assisi Mass- 4th October 2024

Today Father Gilles led our school in a mass to celebrate the feast day of St Francis and St Clare. We were reminded of their work for all those in need including animals and the environment. During the Mass, Father Gilles also commissioned and blessed the new Mini Clare's who have decided to follow in the footsteps of St Francis and St Clare by living with others in mind and helping our school and community. 

Laudato Si' Centre- 27th October 2024

The Mini Clare's and Eco Committee visited the Laudato Si Centre at Wardley Hall. The children took part in lots of immersive outdoor activities which educated, inspired and empowered them to be good stewards of creation. The children learnt about different ways of living with nature in mind, reminding them of the need to care for our common home as requested by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si. During the day the children also created nature badges, went on a wildlife hunt and created their own prayer and liturgy all about looking after our world.


We decided that we wanted to renovate our St Francis prayer garden in key stage 2. Our Mini Clares came up with a host of ideas that they would like incorporating into the garden. We are absolutely delighted with the finished result. We still have plenty more ideas to make our prayer area even better, but we need to wait for the better weather to complete them. We hope that you like the transformation!


After the success of our St Francis prayer garden, we decided that our younger chidlren needed a prayer space of their own. We have therefore had another prayer garden installed using our chidlren's ideas.

We were honoured to welcome Bishop John to bless both of our gardens.

First Holy Communion May 2024

Over two weekends in May, pupils from our school celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Communion in our church. They were beautiful Masses led by Father Jeremiah and well attended by families and friends. The days were extremely special for our children and we thank the parish for preparing them so well. Receiving the Sacrament marks another milestone on their faith journey. We continue to pray for them all.

Feast of the Ascension - Thursday 9th May

Father Giles led the parish community in a Mass to celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord into heaven. We were reminded that Jesus has not left us - He sent His Holy Spirit to be with us and guide us each day.

Ash Wednesday Mass    14th February 2024

Today, pupils from key stage 2 all went to Mass to receive their ashes. Ash Wednesday marks the start of our season of Lent. Father Jeremiah came into school to give the pupils from EYFS and KS1 their ashes.


The Lent Season & Symbolism - Unspoken Elements

The season of Lent is very important to us as Catholics. It is the time when we prepare ourselves to celebrate the death and Resurrection of Christ. During Lent, we are invited to pray more, to fast (or do something extra) and to give to those in need. Each child has been given a calendar for Lent which details various actions that your child can complete during this holy season. If your child carries out an act of kindness on 20 separate days, they will receive a gold cross badge. The badge symbolises that, by being kind, they are following in Jesus's footsteps. 

Lenten Calendar 2024

Parish Food Bank February 2024

As part of helping people within our community, we held an own clothes day. Each class was asked to bring in different food items which were then donated to the parish foodbank. As always, you were incredibly kind and generous, so thank you!

Baptism of Our Lord  - Monday 8th January 2024