Welcome to Reception's Class Page


We love learning in Reception and on our page we will be sharing some of the things we have been learning and any information you might need!

If you need to contact your child's class teacher about anything please email them -

RS - m.sumner-soper@st-clares.manchester.sch.uk

RDM - a.drury@st-clares.manchester.sch.uk    or     k.martin@st-clares.manchester.sch.uk


Welcome to Reception Powerpoint

welcome powerpoint reception

Below is our Yearly Overview which shows what topics we will be following over the year.

Reception Long Term Overview 2024-25


PE day - Friday for RDM and Tuesday for RS

We ask that your child has a plain white t-shirt, black shorts (jogging bottoms in the colder weather) and suitable footwear. Children are to come to school wearing their PE kits on their PE day.

Reading books - please bring in every day!

In the words of Dr Seuss "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go." Reading is vital for your child's development, so we naturally want to promote a love of reading here at St Clare's. Your child will have opportunities to read in school but we need your support too and we ask that your child reads daily at home.


RWI Parent Workshop

Below is the powerpoint from the Read Write Inc parent workshop. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions. 

Reception RWI Parent Workshop




Check out our videos on the four operations:






Think Equal

In Reception we carry out the 'Think Equal' programme, which supports your child's social and emotional development. Below is a QR code to the Home Kit, which provides additional activities that you can complete at home. Please speak to your child's teacher if you would like to know which week of the programme we are currently on. 

Think Equal Home Kit Poster

Spring 2: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!

This half term we have lots of exciting things planned. We will kick off our topic by introducing the children to the classic story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We will explore castles, Giants and Magical Hens. This leads us nicely onto being lucky enough to receive our own eggs which we will incubate in class and watch as they hatch and grow into young chicks! We will also be planting seeds and conducting experiments which will help us find out what key things a plant needs to grow. We can't wait to learn about our new topic all about growing!

Reception Spring 2

Spring 1: Treasure Island

Ahoy matey! This half term, we will be learning all about pirates and creatures of the deep! We will be holding a Pirate Day on Wednesday 15th January where children are encouraged to come dressed up as a pirate. We will be doing a number of fun activities throughout the half term, such as treasure hunts, designing our own flags, and making our own pirate hats! Please read our Topic Overview and Medium Term Plan to learn more about what we will be doing in school in our Spring 1 term!

Reception Spring 1


Pirate Day 15/1/25

We absolutely loved getting dressed up and into character for our Pirate Day today! We did lots of creative activities such as making flags, ships, treasure maps and even hats! We had so much fun! ARRRRR!


Autumn 2: Let's Celebrate! 

This half term we have so much to learn about different celebrations across different communities and parts of the world. We will learn about Bonfire Night, Diwali, Christmas and much more! We can't wait to find out more about different festivals and reasons people celebrate. We can't wait to welcome parents into class for our Read Write Inc. Stay and Play on Thursday 21st November at 8.55-10.20am. Please see above for the information Powerpoint on this and below to learn more about what we will be covering this half term!

Reception: Let's Celebrate


We have started preparing for our Christmas Show which will be in the KS1 Hall on Tuesday 10th December at 2pm. We have sent home song lyrics for you to practise at home with your children and the songs are below to listen to.


This week we had a very special visit from the Dental Nurse! She taught us all about how important it is to look after our teeth and gave us toothbrushes and toothpaste to use in school after our lunch! 


We explored the first snowfall of the year this morning! We loved describing how the snow felt underneath our feet and thought it sounded like thunder. It felt so icy in our hands and we talked about the differences between snow and rain, and the changing seasons.

Autumn 1: Me and My World

In Autumn 1, we will be looking at our bodies, families, past and present events and our local environment. Please look at the Topic Overview and Medium Term Plans to see what we will be covering in more detail.

Reception Autumn 1


Week Beginning: 25/10/24

As part of Black History Month, we became scientists with Ranger Hamza and learned all about blackbirds this week! We went on a nature walk and built our very own nests for a blackbird. We explored the different materials we found on the ground, such as twigs, leaves and pinecones, and collected them for our nest. It was so much fun and we hope the blackbirds enjoy our nests!