Welcome to Reception's Class Page


We love learning in Reception and on our page we will be sharing some of the things we have been learning and any information you might need!

If you need to contact your child's class teacher about anything please email them -

RS - m.sumner-soper@st-clares.manchester.sch.uk

RDM - a.drury@st-clares.manchester.sch.uk    or     e.moorcroft@st-clares.manchester.sch.uk


Welcome to Reception Powerpoint

welcome powerpoint reception


Below is our Yearly Overview which shows what topics we will be following over the year.

Reception Yearly Overviews 2023-24

PE day - Wednesday

We ask that your child has a plain white t-shirt, black shorts (jogging bottoms in the colder weather) and suitable footwear. Children are to come to school wearing their PE kits on their PE day.

Reading books - please bring in every day!

In the words of Dr Seuss "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go." Reading is vital for your child's development, so we naturally want to promote a love of reading here at St Clare's. Your child will have opportunities to read in school but we need your support too and we ask that your child reads daily at home.


RWI Parent Workshop

Below is the powerpoint from the Read Write Inc parent workshop. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions. 

Reception RWI Parent Workshop




Check out our videos on the four operations:






Think Equal

In Reception we are starting the 'Think Equal' programme, which supports your child's social and emotional development. Below is a QR code to the Home Kit, which provides additional activities that you can complete at home. Please speak to your child's teacher if you would like to know which week of the programme we are currently on. 

Think Equal Home Kit Poster



Summer 2: To Infinity and Beyond!

It's hard to believe we have reached the last few weeks of reception!  We have so many fun things planned this half term, with the farm trip, sports day and fun day among the highlights.  Our topic will be teaching all about space, rockets and leading onto different modes of transport.  Please take a look at our topic overview and MTP for more information about what we will be learning.

Reception summer 2 overview

Reception summer 2 MTP

Summer 1:Blast From the Past

This half term we are going to be delving into the past to learn about dinosaurs, schools and toys from the past! We have lots of exciting story books to look at as well as some interesting non-fiction texts too. We will be discovering dinosaur fossils and exploring old toys such as spinning tops! Please look at our medium term plan and topic overview to learn more about what we will be covering this half term.


Reception Summer 1 overview

Spring 2: Fee Fi Fo Fum

During this short half term, we will be learning all about things that grow! From Jack's giant beanstalk to baby chicks hatching from eggs, we will start to understand what different things need in order to grow. Please see our Topic Overview and Medium Term plans below to learn more about what we will be learning.

Reception Spring 2


Lent creation walk

Reception have been on a creation walk around school as part of our Lent celebrations.  During the walk, the children stopped at Forest School, the front of school and the prayer garden.  The children listened to readings from the Bible, letters from the Pope and various prayers.  At each stop the children were given time to reflect about God's wonderful world and how we can look after it and make it better for everyone.


RDM Class assembly 11th March

We really enjoyed sharing our class assembly with EYFS, KS1 and our grown ups.  Our class assembly was all about Mother's day.  We spoke about our mums and other special people in our lives and how important they are to us.  We shared our wonderful artwork and spoke about how special Jesus' mother Mary is to us.  We really enjoyed singing and dancing and hope you did too!  Please take a look at some photos of our assembly:


Speech and Language Workshop 15th March

Thank you to all those who were able to join us for our Speech and language workshop.  We hope that you found the information and tips useful.  It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying working alongside your children to create some wonderful song boxes.  We have attached the powerpoint used at the workshop for your information, but if you have any further questions please speak to a member of the EYFS team.

Reception SALD workshop

EYFS SALD workshops


Spring 1: Treasure Island

This half term we are going to be diving into learning all about pirates, under the sea creatures and much more! Please see the Topic Overview and our  Medium Term Plan to find out more about what we will be covering.

Reception Spring 1

Autumn 2: Let's Celebrate!

In Autumn 2, we will be learning about the changing seasons, and celebrations in our own and other cultures. Please look at the Topic Overview and Medium Term Plans to see what we will be covering in more detail.

Reception Autumn 2.


As part of our topic 'Let's Celebrate', we have been learning all about Diwali and we used clay to make some divas. Once they had dried, we then painted them and decorated them with glitter. 

Reception Diwali 2023-24


Remembrance Day

We used cupcakes to make poppies for Remembrance Day. We then turned them into a special wreath. 

Remembrance Day Poppies



As part of our Maths we have been focusing on the numbers 1, 2 and 3. To tie in with out topic, we used the playdough to make different objects to help Teddy celebrate his birthday, such as 3 balloons and 2 presents. 

Birthday Maths


Nativity Songs

Please see below the songs you can play to help your child learn the songs for 



We really enjoyed performing our Christmas show 'The First Christmas' to all our grown ups this week! We sang our hearts out!



This week we welcomed the pantomime 'Cinderella' to our Hall and they gave us a great performance! We enjoyed some treats too while we enjoyed the show!



We were so lucky today to receive a visit from Father Christmas in the library! He gave us each a book for Christmas, we can't wait to read them at home!

Santa Reception

Autumn 1: Me and My World

In Autumn 1, we will be looking at our bodies, families, past and present events and our local environment. Please look at the Topic Overview and Medium Term Plans to see what we will be covering in more detail.

Reception Autumn 1


Creating Our Own Avatars

We used the 'edit avatar' function on Purple Mash to create our own cartoon version of ourselves. We chose our skin tone, eye colour, mouth, nose and hair colour. We then added our outfit and saved our avatar.



As part of our 'Me and My World' topic, we have drawn our own self-portraits using pastels. We used mirrors to see the colour of our skin, eyes and hair, along with the shapes of our faces. We had lots of fun drawing ourselves!