art curriculum overview


art 3 i's


Art Graduated Response Pyramid


Art School Policy


Year 4 Peter Hill Landscapes

In Year 4 this half term, the children have been using blanding techniques with oil pastels to create landscape pictures inspired by local artist, Peter Hill.


Year 6 Clay Hearts

During Autumn 2 term, Year 6 have been practising their skills using clay and creating their own model of a realistic human heart, as they have been learning about the cirulatory system. 


Reception Diva Lamps

Reception have been learning about the story of Diwali and how people celebrate. After being told the story of Rama & Sita, they made Diva Lamps, like the lights in the story to guide Rama & Sita home. They made them out of clay, and then decorated them with paint and glitter!

Year 5 Greek Vases

During Autumn 1, Year 5 have been hard at work learning how to make a coil for a clay vase. They used different carving methods to create their own design on the outside of the pot too!

Reception Self Portraits

In Reception, their topic is Me & My World, and they have been learning how to draw self portraits using oil pastels. They used mirrors to check what colour their hair and eyes and skin colour was, before selecting the correct pastel to draw that feature. They loved doing it and the pictures look fabulous!