21 November 2023

As part of our Catholic life and mission in school, we try and support other charities as and when we can.
Caritas, a charity operating within Salford Diocese, are asking for different items to support local people this Christmas as part of their Advent Appeal.
We are going to hold an own clothes day this Friday 24th November and in return we ask you to send in one of the following items.
We have suggested different items for each year group, so that we are able to send a variety of toiletries to Caritas which can be made into gift packs.
Obviously, anything you send in will be grateful received.
Nursery - mince pies
Reception - deodorant
Year 1 - shaving foam
Year 2 shower gel
Year 3 - deodorant
Year 4 - toothpaste
Year 5 - toothbrush
Year 6 - shaving foam.
Thank you so much for your continued kindness and generosity,