3 March 2023
We had an absolutely fantastic time celebrating World Book Day at St Clare’s this year!
Our theme was ‘Bedtime Stories’ and pupils (and staff!) really enjoyed coming in wearing their pajamas, slippers and dressing gowns- some even brought their favourite teddy bear too!
The theme of World Book Day nationally this year was ‘My Reading Identity’ so each pupil created their own reading identity by designing a creative poster which highlighted all of the things that they love about reading: favourite author, favourite character, favourite genre etc.
We also had a whole-school text: The Invisible by Tom Percival. The message of the book was all about how we shouldn’t take things for granted, and always look on the bright side of life, even though that can be tricky sometimes. All children did some work around the book, PHSE and writing activities that explored why kindness is important and how nothing should be taken for granted.
Some pupils from Our Ladies came in to read the book to our Year 5 and 6 pupils and they held a Q&A about reading and high school transition with the children- they were absolutely brilliant!
Overall, the children and staff had a lovely day, and we really hope the message of how important reading is, came across in all classes. Reading opens so many doors for pupils and benefits them hugely with their creativity and understanding of the world. Always ensure that reading isn’t saved for celebration days such as World Book Day, and that pupils are enjoying a good book each and every day!
Please enjoy our vast gallery of photos from children throughout the school celebrating the day!
WBD Rachel
Posted by Rachel Howard