World Book Day 2025

Image of World Book Day 2025

 Pupils spent the day doing exciting book-based activities, and enjoying the art of reading for pleasure. Our dress-up theme this year was to "dress up as a word", and it was such a HUGE success! It was fun for children and they were very creative with it. Some children came in their pajamas and…


Christmas at St Clare's

Image of Christmas at St Clare's

Lots of activities happen at this time of year to celebrate Christmas, please have a look through our pictures:


Royal Institution

Image of Royal Institution

Royal Institution 

We have been incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to join in with three fantastic performances led by the Royal Institution. KS1 and KS2 took part in an explosive food performance where they learned about the journey of food through the digestive system, and investigated…


Student Council

Image of Student Council

Our student councillors in Years 5 and 6 have had a very busy term. They have been presenting assemblies to other children, to make them aware of the Autumn Safety Campaign. They have talked about road safety and burns awareness, as well as helping to highlight this years Anti-bullying week theme…


Space Week 2024

Image of Space Week 2024

To celebrate space week, we asked the childrren to design, research or create something that represents space. This could be; cardboard tube rockets, hand and foot print aliens, paper plate flying saucers, designing a spaceship, creating a model solar system… the possibilities could go to infinity…


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Image of Macmillan Coffee Morning

MacMillan Coffee Morning 

The year six children did a fantastic job of hosting this year's coffee morning. Thank you to the parents and carers who joined us, and for the amazing donations


Fun Day

Image of Fun Day

Today has been a fun day for the children as a treat for the end of year. The children have ridden on donkeys, completed a bumper car circuit, been on a bouncy castle, played in zorbs, watched a ventriloquist act, completed ‘It’s a knockout’ and had ice cream. They were so excited coming into…


Culture Day

Image of Culture Day

The children have had a great day celebrating different countries from around the world. They rotated around four different classes to learn a little bit about different countries and complete some fun activities associated with that country. We live in a diverse world and it is good to celebrate…


World Book Day 2024

Image of World Book Day 2024

Our costume theme this year for World Book Day was “Words.” Meaning that children (and staff!) came in dressed up as a word. 

The theme for this year's WBD is "Reading For Pleasure."

A lot of time today was spent sharing stories with the children.

The chosen book which the school looked…


Amazing Homework

Image of Amazing Homework

Year 4 have started learning all about Rivers. This child has created an amazing model on the River Wyre!


Safer Internet Day 2024

Image of Safer Internet Day 2024

We have been celebrating #saferinternetday2024 at St Clare's over the past week. Not only have the children been doing actvities in class, KS2 watched a performance today about using apps correctly and staying safe online


Merry Christmas!

Image of Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone from all children and staff!

Check out all the pictures from all the activties we have done in school:

Listen to some of our children performing Feliz Navidad from our Spanish lessons this week: