Online Safety Workshop for Parents

Workshop Invitation Letter for Parents



Dear Parent/Guardian


Invitation to our Online Safety Parent Workshop


St Clare’s is totally committed to the digital safety and wellbeing of our students. As part of this we are running a workshop dedicated to helping parents…


6H Trip to OLHS

6H had an absolutely fantastic time at OLHS today, taking part in an Electricity Workshop. They started by making a human model of a circuit, which was a brilliant way of them gaining an understanding of how currents of electricity travel.

They were then fortunate enough to use some amazing…


Debatemate Launch Trip!


At St Clare's, we are so excited to be starting the Debate Mate program again this year! 

1o children have been chosen from Years 5 and 6, to take part in the club. It will run every Wednesday,. and pupils will learn all the skills associated with holding a debate, and get to take part in…


Space week

Image of Space week

The children throughout the school have been working really hard on projects for Space week!

Have a look at some of the wonderful work the children have produced.



Reception KS1 Library Visit

Our Wonderful Reception pupils enjoyed a visit to the KS1 library this week, where they loved exploring many new and exciting books and stories, which they loved sharing with their families!

Category: Visits


Poetry Day in 6H!

On Thursday 6th October, we celebrated National Poetry Day in 6H.


The theme this year was the Environment, so we went outside and used our five senses to describe what we saw, heard, tasted, smelt and felt around us. We discussed alliteration, simile and metaphor, and then turned our key…


MacMillan Coffee Morning

Image of MacMillan Coffee Morning

St Clare's held a coffee morning to raise money for MacMillan. Thank you for everyone who joined us and contributed to it!

We have raised over £500!!! Well done to all the Year 6 children for making this happen!


Palm Sunday - nursery 2022


EYFS Easter Bonnet Parade

Nursery and reception had a wonderful time showing Their amazing Easter Bonnets during our parade.  We think they all look fantastic!


Category: Curriculum


World Book Day 2022!

We were so excited to be back celebrating World Book Day properly and in person this year, after lockdown forced us to celebrate remotely last year.


The whole school had a fantastic day! Pupils all did lessons around a beautiful book called 'On A Magical Do Nothing Day'... the did art…


Year 6 WW2 Experience Day

Year six are currently thoroughly enjoying their history topic: World War Two.

They have spent this half term learning so many exciting things about the war including: Rationing, Evacuees, the Blitz, the Role of Women, and so much more.

To start off this topic, we were lucky enough to…


Year 6 WW2 Experience Day

Year six are currently thoroughly enjoying their history topic: World War Two.

They have spent this half term learning so many exciting things about the war including: Rationing, Evacuees, the Blitz, the Role of Women, and so much more.

To start off this topic, we were lucky enough to…