Funny Bones!

Image of Funny Bones!

Today, 3S have had a fantastic afternoon learning all about the three different types of skeletons! Their favourite type was definitely the exoskeleton. 

We had lots of fun dressing up in armoured clothing including a motorbike helmet! We also looked at a real crab, and explored his…

Category: Curriculum


Y6 WW2 Topic


Year 6 pupils have been busy on their WW2 topic and have amazed us with some of their homework.   'This is definitely the best topic,' one pupil told us and that's great to hear.   A very big thank you to the mums and dads and grandparents who have been…

Category: Curriculum


5W Art Work

Image of 5W Art Work

A nice surprise this morning to receive this from Mrs Wood, whose class have been enjoying their are topic.   Drop in and see the children's display. You'll be very welcome.


Category: Curriculum