Debatemate Pupils
The Debatemate Pupils have been working really hard developing their skills over the past few weeks! They have debated a range of topics varying from whether sugary foods should be made more expensive, and if war games should be banned for children. On Tuesday, they are attending a Debate…
Category: Visits
When You Can't Get Out, Get Creative
When it snowed last week and pupils couldn't get out, one Y3 girl decided it was time to banish the long hours with a creative project all of her own. I think you'll agree that it's just amazing.
Category: Curriculum
Dragon dancing and food tasting in nursery!
The children enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery! They dressed as a Chinese lion to parade around the nursery classroom and even tickled their taste buds with some Chinese food tasting! A wonderful day nursery, well done everyone!
Category: Curriculum
Nursery’s Sensory Experience
The children in nursery enjoyed exploring their senses when they visited the brand new Sensory Room to experience a variety of stimulating lights and sounds whilst listening to a sensory story of the three little pigs. What a lovely day!
Category: Visits
The Robots are Coming
Code Club glimpsed the future last night at the robots exhibition being held at the Museum of Science and Industry. We hope you enjoy the pictures.
Category: Visits
Shrove Tuesday
Nursery have been learning about Shrove Tuesday and why we eat pancakes. Of course we had to try some too - yummy!
Category: Visits
Year 3 Cinema Trip
This morning, Year 3 visited the cinema as an end of topic treat. They enjoyed the new film ‘Early Man’ which is based upon a Stone Age boy meeting and competing against a Bronze Age football team. They were a fantastic example of our lovely behaviour here at St Clare’s. Myself and Miss Dodman…
Category: Visits
Roarsome homework!
Look at the amazing homework some of our nursery children have produced for our dinosaur topic! Thank you to their wonderful families for supporting their learning at home, well done!
Category: Visits
Snow and hot chocolate!
We have had so much fun in nursery this morning playing in the snow! We enjoyed listening to the sounds the snow makes when we walk on it, we talked about how it felt to touch it and then built a snowman! After all that fun outside, we came in and warmed up with a yummy hot chocolate!…
Category: Curriculum
Spheros in Nursery
The Nursery have loved having the Spheros in Nursery again today. We learned about positional language during our numeracy lesson this afternoon and used the Spheros to help us with this. As our current topic is Dinosaurs, the Sphero took on the role as a dinosaur egg that had lost it's way! The…
Category: Curriculum
Stonehenge Paintings
3S have been learning about the Stonehenge this week in their topic lessons. They then decided to create their own Stonehenge paintings using a blending technique.
Come and see their fantastic work, it is displayed on their classroom window!
Category: Curriculum
Meerkats Madness!
It was very exciting in Year 1 this week when we had some very unusual visitors. We were delighted to welcome meerkats, owls and hedgehogs into the classroom and learn all about their lives which helped us with our topic this half-term of Paws, Claws and Whiskers.
Category: Curriculum