Year 3 Cinema Trip

Image of Year 3 Cinema Trip

This morning, Year 3 visited the cinema as an end of topic treat. They enjoyed the new film ‘Early Man’ which is based upon a Stone Age boy meeting and competing against a Bronze Age football team. They were a fantastic example of our lovely behaviour here at St Clare’s. Myself and Miss Dodman…

Category: Visits


Roarsome homework!

Image of Roarsome homework!

Look at the amazing homework some of our nursery children have produced for our dinosaur topic! Thank you to their wonderful families for supporting their learning at home, well done!


Category: Visits


Snow and hot chocolate!

Image of Snow and hot chocolate!

We have had so much fun in nursery this morning playing in the snow! We enjoyed listening to the sounds the snow makes when we walk on it, we talked about how it felt to touch it and then built a snowman! After all that fun outside, we came in and warmed up with a yummy hot chocolate!…

Category: Curriculum


Spheros in Nursery

Image of Spheros in Nursery

The Nursery have loved having the Spheros in Nursery again today. We learned about positional language during our numeracy lesson this afternoon and used the Spheros to help us with this. As our current topic is Dinosaurs, the Sphero took on the role as a dinosaur egg that had lost it's way! The…

Category: Curriculum


Stonehenge Paintings

Image of Stonehenge Paintings

3S have been learning about the Stonehenge this week in their topic lessons. They then decided to create their own Stonehenge paintings using a blending technique. 


Come and see their fantastic work, it is displayed on their classroom window! 



Category: Curriculum


Meerkats Madness!

Image of Meerkats Madness!

It was very exciting in Year 1 this week when we had some very unusual visitors.  We were delighted to welcome meerkats, owls and hedgehogs into the classroom and learn all about their lives which helped us with our topic this half-term of Paws, Claws and Whiskers. 


Category: Curriculum


Numeracy Fun

Image of Numeracy Fun

Today, 3S began their learning of perimeter. This is a new concept to the children and before the lesson they were very unsure about what the term meant. 

However, after a very fun and practical lesson which involved children creating 2D shapes on our playground, and measuring the sides of the…

Category: Curriculum


Bronze Age mining Children

Image of Bronze Age mining Children

This week, 3S have moved on with their learning of Prehistoric Britain, and the Stone Age, and are now focusing on the Bronze Age. 


To to help the children to imagine what the life of a Bronze Age child miner would have been like, we made a 'mining tunnel' in our classroom which the…

Category: Curriculum


The Day the Dinosaurs Came!

Image of The Day the Dinosaurs Came!

On 17th January all EYFS and Year 1 pupils enjoyed a fantastic Dinosaur Day linked to their class topic.  The children had to find dinosaur fossils and identify which dinosaur they had uncovered; they also met a baby dinosaur (in his crate) and Sophie - a 9ft tall Tyrannosaurus Rex!  Visit the…

Category: Curriculum


Stone Age Discovery

Image of Stone Age Discovery

This morning, Mr Knott discovered a Stone Age settlement in our playground! Year 3 are currently learning about the Stone Age and have become experts at recognising the artefacts that were discovered. The children had an assembly this morning after coming across this settlement, and were asked to…

Category: Curriculum


Reception Class Stories

Image of Reception Class Stories

We've had a wonderful return to School in Reception class and have been delighted to read stories written by two of our children, Abigail Bradshaw and Ollie Kelly.  Both Abigail and Ollie have used whole sentences and put together wonderful tales to share with their classmates.  We were delighted…

Category: Curriculum


Reception Sleigh Investigation

Father Christmas sent us a letter, asking us to investigate which material was the best to use as a roof on his sleigh. We talked about the strength of each material and the pros and cons of each one. We then made predictions as to which materials we thought would be waterproof and then tested…

Category: Curriculum