Harvest with Y6

Image of Harvest with Y6

Yesterday our pupils celebrated harvest in church and brought food for those in need within our community.   Today, some of our year 6 pupils have been committing their ideas and thoughts to paper, reflecting on the needs of others and the role of their own faith and how this links to community…

Category: Curriculum


WW2 Timeline

Image of WW2 Timeline

One of our Y6 pupils has created this wonderful timeline of events during WW2 so the teachers and teaching assistants thought it would be a good idea to display it in the corridor.   Now we can enjoy it and learn at the same time.


Category: Curriculum


Mary the Monkey

Image of Mary the Monkey

Mary the monkey has chosen who she wants to spend her half term with. She has been watching closely over the past seven weeks and it's been a very hard decision. 


Category: School Achievements


Year 3 End of Topic Celebration

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents who came to take part in the Year 3 End of Topic Celebration. We had an amazing afternoon sharing our learning so far and finished the afternoon with pizza making and biscuit decorating. 

I think we can see from the pictures below that…

Category: Curriculum


Nursery Superhero Day

Image of Nursery Superhero Day

What a fantastic day we have had in Nursery!  We have really enjoyed coming to school dressed as our favourite superheroes and talking about our super powers! 



Category: Curriculum


Superhero Day in EYFS

Breaking News!!!


The EYFS classes at St Clare’s School have been reporting an influx of superheroes today. Spiderman, Batman, the Incredible Hulk and even Super Snow White have been spotted in the playground. They have been solving problems, showing off their fantastic balancing and…

Category: Curriculum


Every Picture Tells A Story

Image of Every Picture Tells A Story

The story behind this outstanding picture is that one of our Y4 pupils painted it as a special birthday gift for his gran.   HIs picture combines great skill with thought for others and I hope he is as proud of it as we are of him.


Category: Curriculum


Y5 Homework

Image of Y5 Homework

Our Year fives continue to produce interesting and informative homework based on their minibeasts topic.   A big thank you for encouraging them with it.


Category: Curriculum


Year 1 Picasso Drawings

Image of Year 1 Picasso Drawings

In Year One we have been studying the famous artist Pablo Picasso. First, we studied different portraits that Picasso created, deciding what we did and didn't like. Next, we studied each facial feature in detail, focusing on the different lines, shapes and colours that we could see. We took…

Category: School Achievements


Fantastic Fundraising!

Image of Fantastic Fundraising!

One of our amazing pupils completed a charity walk this Sunday in Heaton Park to raise money for the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital charity.  His incredible efforts raised over £900.  What a superstar!

Category: School Achievements


Year 5W African Mask Designs

Image of Year 5W African Mask Designs

This week at St Clare's we have been learning all about Black History. We had visitor who helped us design our very own African masks to take home. In literacy we wrote instructions on how to make these, and in topic we researched famous people and did a fact file on them for our school…

Category: School Achievements


Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright

What an outstanding Tiger painting by one of our pupils, who quickly produced this wonderful piece shortly after receiving a canvas from her mum.  I hope you will enjoy seeing it as much as I did.


Category: Curriculum