Spheros in Nursery

Image of Spheros in Nursery

Today in nursery the children have enjoyed exploring the properties of 2D shape. We used ‘number of sides’ to classify squares, rectangles, circles, semi circles, pentagons and hexagons. We then introduced the spheros to ‘drive’ around the 2D shapes fixed to the carpet. Well done Nursery! Next…

Category: Visits


Our outdoor classroom

Image of Our outdoor classroom

This week in nursery the children have enjoyed taking their learning outside. We used the giant parachute to simulate a space ship and sang ‘five little men in a flying saucer’ using some of our reading bears as our space men! We all exercised some excellent listening skills and followed…

Category: Visits


Y4 Football

Last week Y4 footballers attended a competition at Manchester City and, as usual, represented the school in style, coming very close to winning the final.   Level at 1-1 in a very tight game, the boys eventually lost on penalties.   A great group, they can nonetheless be extremely proud of…

Category: Visits

football visits Year 4


Alien Invasion in Nursery!

Image of Alien Invasion in Nursery!

This week in nursery we discovered that it had been invaded by aliens over the Easter holidays. To introduce our new topic on Space the children explored a rocket ship that had crash landed in the early years playground. They also discovered some moon rocks and even the aliens themselves! A super…

Category: Curriculum


Pupil Strikes Gold

Image of Pupil Strikes Gold

One of our pupils struck gold during recent gymnastics finals and her recent haul comes after much hard work and guidance from her sister.   She is incredibly proud of her wonderful achievement and her teacher and teaching assistants were amazed to see her medals and photographs from a very…

Category: Curriculum


KS2 Author Visit

Image of KS2 Author Visit

Our Key Stage Two pupils were extremely lucky this week to receive a visit from published author Eamonn Riley. He delivered an assembly all about what it isn’t like to be an author, and showcased some of his fabulous books.

Some pupils were lucky enough to get up close and personal and bought…

Category: Visits


Debatemate Final

Image of Debatemate Final

Earlier this week, St Clare's Debate Team were extremely lucky to get to go and debate against other schools, at Manchester University. The pupils  thoroughly enjoyed debating in a professional setting and feeling like university students.

The two motions they debated were:
1- This House…

Category: Visits


Explosive Homework!

Image of Explosive Homework!

For the finale of our exciting Charles Darwin topic, one of our pupils has put a lot of time and effort in at home to make an incredible volcano! The design of the volcano was fantastic and incredibly detailed (our favourite bit was broccoli trees!) and it is clear she has taken pride in her…

Category: School Achievements


Infants Easter Bonnet Parade

Image of Infants Easter Bonnet Parade

In the Infants, we have been getting ready for Easter. We have had so much fun designing our own Easter Bonnets and making them with our families. We all went into the hall and showed off our bonnets. It was great fun!

Category: News Update


The Easter Story

Image of The Easter Story

During Holy Week pupils have been reflecting on the last days of Jesus, his journey to the cross and the Resurrection.   This stunning image was produced by one of our Y5 pupils as a piece of homework.


Category: Curriculum


Nursery Easter Stay and Play 2018

This week in nursery we have enjoyed hosting our Easter Stay and Play session where we invited our parents, families and carers in to nursery to share the children’s learning with them and get involved in some Easter activities. Thank you to all the parents, families and carers who were able to…

Category: News Update


Reception Stay and Play

We had so much fun today in Reception. Our parents got to stay with us and we joined in lots of different activities. We made rice crispy cakes, chicks, Easter baskets and more! Some of us even decided to put on a puppet show of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ for the parents. We love it when our parents…

Category: Visits