Thank you!
Thank you for your wonderful support for the Caritas Advent Appeal. Your generosity is much appreciated.
Well-being Group
In our after school well-being group the children used flower and stuffed balloons with it in order to create their own stress balls to promote the relief/release of anxious and unwanted feelings.
SEND Coffee Morning
Today we held our first SEND coffee morning. Parents met and enjoyed a hot drink and a pastry. During the session, parents chatted with each other about their children, offered advice and signposted each other to events, charities and organisations across the city. Our school governor, Sue…
Harvest Festival Service
Pupils and classes from across the school will be leading our harvest festival service in church on 17th October. Please come and join us!
St Francis Day Mass and a celebration of St Clare
The 4th of October is St Francis's feast day. St Clare's feast day is in August when we are on school holidays. As St Clare was a follower of St Francis, we will celebrate both these special saints at a whole school mass on 4th October at 9.15am. You are all most welcome to join us in…
MacMillan Coffee Morning
We will be hosting our annual MacMillan Coffee Morning on Friday 29th September from 9.15am.
Please come along, buy a cake and have a cup of tea or coffee and in doing so help to raise funds for this special charity.
We hope to see you there!
We had TriKidz with us this week who are funded by the brillant EpicKidz charity to help bring triathlon based fun activities to primary schools in the North West.
The children got to do activities as if they were competing in the triathlon.
Check out some pictures!
Forest Fest 23
To celebrate everything that Year 6 have achieved this year the children used the money they made from Young Enterprise Day to have a party.
It was held in the forest school area of the school and the sun was shining for them!
We had a DJ, chippy food, sweets and drinks!
All children AND…
Young Enterprise Day
The Year 6 children created their own stalls to make money for their end of year activities.
The children from across the school were invited to the stalls to pay for an activity and win a prize!
We had allsorts of different stalls and all children enjoyed the day, even the rain did not…
Wellbeing Fun Day 23
Today, we held a whole school fun day focusing on being healthy, fit and our wellbeing. The children had a great day moving between classes sharing different experiences.
Some of the activities were making a worry bracelet, making fruit kebabs, making your own portrait from nature, playing…
KS2 Author visit
The children in KS2 had an assembly from Stuart Reid, a fabulous author, this morning! Some children bought a book after Stuart's assembly. Year 4 were also lucky enough to have a creative writing session with him today.
First Holy Communion
Our first group of children celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time yesterday. They shared a wonderful Mass with their family and friends and the sun shone down on them all. We are very proud of them all!