Year 6 WW2 Experience Day

Year six are currently thoroughly enjoying their history topic: World War Two.

They have spent this half term learning so many exciting things about the war including: Rationing, Evacuees, the Blitz, the Role of Women, and so much more.

To start off this topic, we were lucky enough to…


Year 6 WW2 Experience Day

Year six are currently thoroughly enjoying their history topic: World War Two.

They have spent this half term learning so many exciting things about the war including: Rationing, Evacuees, the Blitz, the Role of Women, and so much more.

To start off this topic, we were lucky enough to…


Year 6 WW2 Experience Day

Year six are currently thoroughly enjoying their history topic: World War Two.

They have spent this half term learning so many exciting things about the war including: Rationing, Evacuees, the Blitz, the Role of Women, and so much more.

To start off this topic, we were lucky enough to…


Year 6 WW2 Experience Day

Year six are currently thoroughly enjoying their history topic: World War Two.

They have spent this half term learning so many exciting things about the war including: Rationing, Evacuees, the Blitz, the Role of Women, and so much more.

To start off this topic, we were lucky enough to…


Year 6 WW2 Experience Day

Year 6 have had an absolutely amazing today! A company called Past Productions have been with us in school, teaching the pupils a range of amazing things about World War Two.

The day started with the pupils looking at some genuine WW2 artefacts, such as gas masks, medals, oil lamps and…


Science Ambassadors Go Planting

Image of Science Ambassadors Go Planting

Science Ambassadors plant bulbs in their school flower beds around the yards. These flower bulbs were given to them by Bulbs4Kids, a programme that is allowing the class to become familiar with flower bulbs and the world of nature in way that is also a lot of fun. When the tulips, crocuses,…


KS1 Road Safety Performance

The children had great fun watching a Road Safety Performance and they all became Traffic Tots! They learnt how to use their eyes, ears and hands when crossing the road and they learnt a special song about wearing a seat belt.  




Year 6 Pupils Love To Read!

In Year 6, we have a huge passion for reading! Pupils love to read a wide range of books, and enjoy discussing them with each other. Our pupils know that reading, as well as being highly enjoyable, can be hugely beneficial. It helps them with their vocabulary and writing skills.


We are so…


6H Science Trip to OLHS- Entertaining Electricity!

Image of 6H Science Trip to OLHS- Entertaining Electricity!

6H have had an absolutely fantastic morning today!

They were fortunate enough to visit Our Lady's High School, for a really exciting electricity workshop.

At the workshop, they learnt all about making circuits, and why electricity is important. They had an absolute blast using the high-tech…


Wonderful Art!

Image of Wonderful Art!

WOW! look at the amazing, talented  Artwork from one of our Year KS2 pupils.  I think we are looking at the next Banksy! 




Fun in the Sun!

Image of Fun in the Sun!

Well it's been a hot day today and the children at St Clare's have been enjoying the sunshine.


Year 6 McDonalds Treat

Our Year 6 pupils worked so hard on their Young Enterprise stalls, and managed to raise an AMAZING £280!!!

All of the ideas for their stalls were their own, and we were so proud of them. We wanted them to benefit from the money that we raised, so we used the money to treat them all to a…