World Book Day At Home

Image of World Book Day At Home

Our pupils have had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day at home this year!!

Due to learning remotely, we couldn't celebrate in our usual way: doing a costume parade in the hall, and exploring a range of activities together in class. But that absolutely did not stop us having fun!



World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

Happy World Book Day everyone!!

For World Book Day staff at St Clare's have done a reading of a story or poem, however they are all masked readers!!

Can you guess all 19 masked readers?

Good luck!


Lent in nursery

Image of Lent in nursery

Nursery have been learning all about the very important time of Lent.  We know this is a time of year when we think about Jesus and how hard it was for Him in the desert.  We know we are counting down the days until Easter when we celebrate Jesus rising.  Nursery have made some Lenten promises of…

Category: Curriculum


Lent - a time for hope and prayer

Image of Lent - a time for hope and prayer

The Gospel story in Church this week was Mark 9: 2-10 - The Transfiguration.


"After six days, Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain where they were all alone. There he transfigured (changed) before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than…

Category: Curriculum


Y3 Fill a bucket

Year 3 concentrated on thinking about how we can bring happiness to ourselves and to others. We realised that the last couple of years have been pretty tough so we came up with ways that we could help other people be happy. We read a fantastic story  - 'Have you filled a bucket today?' (the link's…

Category: Curriculum


Y3 Cave Art

Image of Y3 Cave Art


Year 3 have been working hard at home to produce some amazing Neolithic cave art! They worked hard to learn about how Stone Age people created different types of art in the three distinct Stone Age periods. They experimented with story telling through their pictures and using symbols to…

Category: Curriculum


Safer Internet Day 2021

Image of Safer Internet Day 2021

Today is Safer Internet Day!!

The theme this year is, 'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world'

Teachers will be sharing a virtual assembly based on this.

The children will be completing an activity based on internet safety today in school or remotely from…


St Clare's Home School Heroes!

Image of St Clare's Home School Heroes!

Well done to all of our home school heroes for some excellent remote learning over the last half term. We are all incredibly proud of you and all of your hard work, determination and commitment to your learning. Thank you to all of our wonderful families too, without you, non of this would have…


Nursery Home Learning superstars

Image of Nursery Home Learning superstars

Thank you to all of our wonderful nursery children this week for some outstanding home learning! Here are some of you in action. Keep up the good work little superstars!

Category: Curriculum


Christmas Carol Concert 2020

Image of Christmas Carol Concert 2020

Merry Christmas to everyone from all pupils and staff at St Clare's!

Please watch our Carol Concert


Nursery Rosaries

Image of Nursery Rosaries

The Nursery children have been busy this week learning about the Rosary.

They were tasked with creating their own Rosary beads using some household items. 

Sofia and Kara's mum said "The girls had so much fun counting the beads and trying to stop them rolling away! Thank you for this…


Fun in school

Image of Fun in school

Mrs Drury and Mrs Park had a wonderful time in school last week with some of our amazing children. Here’s some of the fun we got up to!