Three Lions!

Image of Three Lions!

The children were all showing their support for England after Wednesday's semi-final victory.  Come on England! 


Our Year 5 Guitarist

Image of Our Year 5 Guitarist

A year 5 pupil stunned us this week when he brought in his recent birthday gift to play for Mrs. O'Keefe and Mrs. Sylvester.  We loved hearing him play.  Well Done.

Category: School Achievements


Writing Competition Winners!

Five children from 6H have been extremely dedicated to attending their Writing Booster Group with Miss Bennett each week, and as a reward, she organised for them to enter a Young Writers competition. I am extremely proud to announce that all five of them won, and as a result, are going to have…


Nursery - Palm Sunday

Image of Nursery - Palm Sunday

Nursery have been learning all about Palm Sunday when Jesus arrived at Jerusalem on a donkey.  We learnt that the people welcomed Jesus by waving palm leaves and shouting "Hosanna, Hosanna," before laying the leaves on the floor as a path for Jesus. We used our fine motor skills to cut and make…

Category: Curriculum


Nursery Odd Clothes fun!

Image of Nursery Odd Clothes fun!

We have had so much fun in nursery dressing up in odd clothes (even the teachers!)

The children were able to dress up in their mis-matched outfits in exchange for a donation for the St Clare's Church foodbank to support our local community.  Many thanks to our wonderful families for supporting…

Category: Curriculum


Welcome Back Nursery

Image of Welcome Back Nursery

The children and staff in nursery have had a wonderful day together.  We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming back all the wonderful children and spending the day having fun and catching up. I think the smiles on the children's faces says it all!



Category: Curriculum


World Book Day At Home

Image of World Book Day At Home

Our pupils have had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day at home this year!!

Due to learning remotely, we couldn't celebrate in our usual way: doing a costume parade in the hall, and exploring a range of activities together in class. But that absolutely did not stop us having fun!



World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

Happy World Book Day everyone!!

For World Book Day staff at St Clare's have done a reading of a story or poem, however they are all masked readers!!

Can you guess all 19 masked readers?

Good luck!


Lent in nursery

Image of Lent in nursery

Nursery have been learning all about the very important time of Lent.  We know this is a time of year when we think about Jesus and how hard it was for Him in the desert.  We know we are counting down the days until Easter when we celebrate Jesus rising.  Nursery have made some Lenten promises of…

Category: Curriculum


Lent - a time for hope and prayer

Image of Lent - a time for hope and prayer

The Gospel story in Church this week was Mark 9: 2-10 - The Transfiguration.


"After six days, Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain where they were all alone. There he transfigured (changed) before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than…

Category: Curriculum


Y3 Fill a bucket

Year 3 concentrated on thinking about how we can bring happiness to ourselves and to others. We realised that the last couple of years have been pretty tough so we came up with ways that we could help other people be happy. We read a fantastic story  - 'Have you filled a bucket today?' (the link's…

Category: Curriculum


Y3 Cave Art

Image of Y3 Cave Art


Year 3 have been working hard at home to produce some amazing Neolithic cave art! They worked hard to learn about how Stone Age people created different types of art in the three distinct Stone Age periods. They experimented with story telling through their pictures and using symbols to…

Category: Curriculum