Science Ambassador forest School Visit

Image of Science Ambassador forest School Visit

Our newly appointed Science Ambassadors were very lucky to visit the new forest school area at Our Lady's High School this week. We had a delivery of over 1000 bulbs to plant around our school, and the children decided to share the bulbs with the forest school area. 


The Ambassadors did a…

Category: Visits


Debatemate Launch Trip!

Just before half-term, 12 lucky students from across years 5 and 6 were chosen to attend the launch of Debatemate.

Debatemate is a fantastic program where pupils learn useful skills such as public speaking, how to deliver a balanced argument, and how to get their point across. It is also…

Category: Visits


Library visit to nursery

Image of Library visit to nursery

Nursery class were very lucky to have Alison from Manchester Library Service visit us. Alison told us all about the library and how we can all join and have our very own library card! Alison also read us a story called “Simon Sock.” We loved listening to the story and were all lucky enough to each…

Category: Visits


Nursery leaf picking

We have been learning all about the changes in the seasons now Autumn is upon us.  The children observed that lots of the leaves had fallen from the trees onto the outdoor play area. We set about collecting the leaves using wheelbarrows, brushes and shovels.  The children worked brilliantly as a…

Category: Curriculum


Digital Leaders First Meeting

Image of Digital Leaders First Meeting

Our newly appointed Digital Leaders went to their first meeting yesterday. They were shown how to run the website they will be using to achieve 9 badges!!

To achieve these badges the children have to work as a team to complete computing based activities and will be up against other schools to…

Category: Visits


Year 6 Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter

Earlier this week our Year Six pupils had a fantastic day at Stockport Air Raid Shelter! They dressed as evacuees and spent the day role playing what it must have been like for young children during World War 2. 

Children started the day by learning war time songs, then went on to do some 1940s…

Category: Visits


Year 5 Art

Image of Year 5 Art

12 Year 5 children were selected to go to Our Lady’s High School for an Art Transition. The pupils had to design their own coral reef using mixed media  and lots of different materials before completing a final piece. The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience and did very…

Category: Visits


Year 6 Trip to OLHS Forest School

Today, all of our Year 6 pupils were lucky enough to visit OLHS' new Outdoor Learning Area.

Enjoying the sunshine they all found a unique place to sit, and in their sketch books created some pieces of art, inspired by the nature around them.

The pupils loved the different elements of the…

Category: Visits


Curriculum Development at St Clare's

Image of Curriculum Development at St Clare's

The curriculum is changing at St Clare's so in the summer of 2019, we brought together everyone involved with the school to discuss these important changes.   The children talked about what they liked to learn and how they like to go about learning it.   Adults listened to them and met together to…

Category: Curriculum


Year 3 Outdoor Science Learning

Image of Year 3 Outdoor Science Learning

Year 3 made the most of the glorious sunshine we have had lately and took their learning outdoors. they are currently investigating light in their Science topic and to understand shadows, they went out into the playground and explored with their own shadows. 


The children created their own…

Category: Visits


ArtsMark Silver

Image of ArtsMark Silver

We are delighted to share some fantastic news with you. Our school has now officially been judged as an Artsmark Silver School.

We are determined to continue the excellent provision we have developed over the past couple of years of our Artsmark Journey and hopefully next year start our…


Bring Miss Chisholm Home

Image of Bring Miss Chisholm Home

Miss Chisholm taught at St Clare's and left us last year to continue her teaching career in Dubai. Many of us woke up to the tragic news at the weekend that she had sustained severe injuries following a horse riding accident in Dubai the day before her birthday. Miss Chisholm's mother continues to…

Category: News Update