3S' Fantastic Homework

Image of 3S' Fantastic Homework

This week, Year 3 were asked to create something which represents the learning so far of the Stone age. 


The children have been busy over the weekend creating amazing sculptures, tools and pictures!


Have a look at their amazing efforts!


Category: Curriculum


City in the Community

Image of City in the Community

Each Wednesday PE session, 3S are very lucky to have a coach from City in the Community join them. Ryan teaches the children a variety of skills and builds on how to work as a team effectively. The children thoroughly enjoy this time with Ryan and transfer their newly learned skills to their…

Category: Curriculum


Christmas in Nursery

What a wonderful term we have had in nursery! We have all been very busy getting ready for our Christmas celebrations and have enjoyed getting involved with many exciting activities from our Christmas nativity and Christmas Carol concert to our delicious Christmas lunches and Christmas parties! We…

Category: Visits


Y5 & Y6 Diversity Poems

Over the last few days, pupils at St Clare's have been working hard to write some beautiful poems around the theme of Diversity. Each class in years 5 and 6 chose a winning entry, and here are their poems for you to enjoy, read aloud by the pupils themselves! Congratulations to everyone who took…

Category: Year 6 Blog


KS2 Kitchen Christmas Competition

Image of KS2 Kitchen Christmas Competition

Well done to our very talented Year 3 pupil who won an amazing chocolate prize in the KS2 Kitchen Christmas Card competition.  There were so many amazing entries and all the children showed such creativity in their card designs.  The winner illustrated the very essence of Christmas and showed Mary…

Category: School Achievements


Attendance Certificates

Congratulations to all those children taking home certificates for achieving 100% Attendance in Half Term 1. Lets hope we will be sending home even more certificates after Christmas for Half Term 2.

Category: News Update


6H Blog: Winning Entry

Image of 6H Blog: Winning Entry

During ICT this half term, year 6 pupils have been learning all about E-Safety, staying safe online, and writing blogs. We have looked in detail at what makes a good blog, how blogs can be helpful, how blogs can be harmful, and what particular types of blogs the children enjoy. We ended the unit…

Category: School Achievements


Sports Hall Athletics Competition 2018

This week we have had the pleasure of taking some of our wonderful year 5 and 6 pupils to compete in the 2018 Sports Hall Athletics Competition. Our talented pupils took part in several field and track events including javelin, long jump, speed bounce, chest press and relay. We are delighted to…

Category: School Achievements


Year 5/6 boys league football

Image of Year 5/6 boys league football

Tuesday night saw the year 5/6 boys football team take part in their first league match of the season against Charlestown Primary school.  It was a gallient effort from the boys as they demonstrated a great team spirit and wonderful effort throughout the match.  The team played brilliantly on a…

Category: After School Clubs


Nursery Rocket Homework

The nursery children have been very busy creating their own fireworks and rockets for their home learning challenge this week. They have used some junk modelling materials to construct some wonderful masterpieces! Well done everyone.

Category: Curriculum


STEM day at Museum of Science and Industry

Image of STEM day at Museum of Science and Industry

On Wednesday 14th November, 30 children from Years 4,5 and 6 enjoyed a fantastic day of learning at the Museum of Science and Industry. 

The focus of of the day was STEM, and built upon our learning from last week when we looked at what engineers are and why they are important to us.


Category: Visits


KS2 Science Day

Image of KS2 Science Day

On Monday 5th November, KS2 had a fantastic day becoming engineers. Our day started off with a visit from the Museum of Science and Industry, where children learned all about the history of engineering, learned what the term meant and took part in a few fun experiments. 


They were then…

Category: Curriculum