6L's Beautiful Bird Feeder's

Image of 6L's Beautiful Bird Feeder's

Hello all! 

This week we decided to make the most of the lovely weather in 6L. Our task was to build a bird feeder out of recycled household materials. I am very proud of all of the student's work however, this week Elizabeth's bird feeder stole the show! Well done Elizabeth for all of your…

Category: Year 6 Blog


City in the Community

City In The Community

Our friends at Manchester City in the Community have shared some activities with us which will keep us all busy!  Please have a look at these below:


6L writing competition

In 6L we have started doing weekly challenges! Last week, I set a writing challenge where pupils in 6L has to start their story with a certain line and include a plot twist! I received lots of brilliant stories which were all a pleasure to read. However, I have decided that the story below is the…

Category: Year 6 Blog


Nursery Keep Fit!

Thank you for your continued support over the last few weeks and always, we are so blessed at St Clare’s to be able to work with such wonderful children and their families. We have loved seeing the children’s achievements and the brilliant ways you have enhanced ideas to make their learning as fun…


Early Years Rainbow Artwork

Image of Early Years Rainbow Artwork

This week, the early years children and their teachers have been busy creating their own rainbow artwork that is now displayed in their windows at home to bring love, hope, joy and happiness to their neighbours during this unsettled time. If you haven’t already, we would love for you to have a go…


PE Activities

Hello to all of our wonderful St Clare’s pupils and their families,

“With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it's more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive. Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more…


St Clare's Science Week March 2020


The Great Space Share

The science ambassadors visited St Malachy's RC Primary School, along with many other schools for a fun filled afternoon all about space! They listened to an astronomer, touched real meteor rocks, completed art and craft activities, programmed Lego Mindstorms that were replicating moon buggies and…

Category: Visits


Year 3 do P4C

3S have been exploring philosophical issues surrounding Christmas and giving. We looked at a number of images of children receiving and giving gifts and then read a lovely poem which mentions how lucky some people are at Christmas. We then discussed how some people may not be as fortunate as us…

Category: Visits


Y3 Christmas Jumper Yoga

Image of Y3 Christmas Jumper Yoga

3S enjoyed their festive p.e lesson as they took part in a cosmic yoga lesson, whilst wearing their lovely Christmas jumpers.



Category: Visits


Heart Dissection

Image of Heart Dissection

Our Year 6 children were working scientifically and dissecting lamb hearts.

The children thoroughly enjoyed it and were able to find the different chambers.

Using string they were able to see how the blood flows through the heart.

Category: Curriculum


OLHS Science Trip

Image of OLHS Science Trip

Today, some of our Year 6 pupils were lucky enough to go to Our Lady's and take part in an electricity workshop.


Pupils learnt all about electricity, conductors and insulators, and had opportunities to use exciting equipment to build their own circuits. They also joined together in a…

Category: Visits