10 March 2020
Dear Parents,
As you are aware there is much in the news about Coronavirus at the moment and we wanted to ensure that parents and carers are aware of how we are responding to this as a school.
Full guidance in terms of this can be found at:
NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
It is always our priority to ensure pupils are safe however we must careful manage any situation to not cause panic or alarm. The NHS guidance states the risk to individuals is low, however, we need to ensure we are taking appropriate and balanced measures. To do this we are reminding pupils of the need for good hygiene and the correct measures to take to prevent the risk of spreading infection on a general level. We will do this through form time discussions and visual reminders around school.
We have also raised awareness with all staff and provided key staff with additional information and advice about the steps to take should a person become unwell and we believe that they may have been exposed. In this situation of a suspected case the steps we will take are as outlined by the DFE in the guidance to schools. In the event of confirmed case the school will follow appropriate advice from Public Health England who will provide school specific advice.
People who have recently travelled to certain countries may need to take certain measures and the full list of countries and appropriate guidance can be found here: Up to date list is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-specified-countries-and-areas/covid-19-specified-countries-and-areas-with-implications-for-returning-travellers-or-visitors-arriving-in-the-uk
We wish to assure you of our attention to the matter and if you have specific concerns please contact the School.
Kind regards,
Vincent Jones