Coronation Day

Image of Coronation Day

The children of St Clare's had a fabulous day today celebrating the King's Coronation.

There was lots of activities which the children participated in such as making crowns, creating the Union Flag using paint and their finger tips, and creating a collage of King Charles III portrait!

It was…

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 5 May 2023


Year 6 WW2 Day

Image of Year 6 WW2 Day

The children in Year 6 had a WW2 day!

Some children came dressed as evacuees and spent the day doing activities based around WW2.

The children created cinnamon honey cookies, which was a snack children had during WW2.

We looked at how Alan Turing was a key part of us winning the war! We…

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 14 February 2023


Safer Internet Day 2023

Image of Safer Internet Day 2023

The children of St Clare's celebrated Safer Internet Day with lots of activities during the week.

The children had an assembly introducing the theme for this year which is: Want to talk about it?

We had a drama performance for KS2 telling the children all about online safety, plus some…

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 13 February 2023


Chinese Dance workshops

The children learned that last Sunday was Chinese New Year. 

To celebrate, we were visited by a dance teacher to learn a special Chinese dance.

The children used fans and umbrellas and even made a parade with a Chinese dragon and lion!

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 31 January 2023


Silent Night in Spanish

The children in Year 5 and Year 6 have been learning how to sing Silent Night in Spanish with Mr Sabatel in preparation for Christmas.

Check the video out:

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 19 December 2022


Christmas Jumper Day

Image of Christmas Jumper Day

The school celebrated Christmas Jumper Day.

All the children and staff looked excellent in their Christmas jumpers!

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 9 December 2022


Rockstar Day

Image of Rockstar Day

Rockstar was rocking today!!

All children and staff looked amazing with their rockstar outfits on.

All children can keep rocking at home to practice their times tables using and logging in with their account.

The more you play, the more likely to win a battle or…

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 18 November 2022


Online Safety Workshop for Parents

Workshop Invitation Letter for Parents



Dear Parent/Guardian


Invitation to our Online Safety Parent Workshop


St Clare’s is totally committed to the digital safety and wellbeing of our students. As part of this we are running a workshop dedicated to helping parents…

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 11 November 2022


Space week

Image of Space week

The children throughout the school have been working really hard on projects for Space week!

Have a look at some of the wonderful work the children have produced.


Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 16 October 2022


MacMillan Coffee Morning

Image of MacMillan Coffee Morning

St Clare's held a coffee morning to raise money for MacMillan. Thank you for everyone who joined us and contributed to it!

We have raised over £500!!! Well done to all the Year 6 children for making this happen!

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 30 September 2022


World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

Happy World Book Day everyone!!

For World Book Day staff at St Clare's have done a reading of a story or poem, however they are all masked readers!!

Can you guess all 19 masked readers?

Good luck!

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 4 March 2021


Safer Internet Day 2021

Image of Safer Internet Day 2021

Today is Safer Internet Day!!

The theme this year is, 'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world'

Teachers will be sharing a virtual assembly based on this.

The children will be completing an activity based on internet safety today in school or remotely from…

Posted by /blog/author/jflint/page:2 on 9 February 2021